> QueryFredSeriesInfo(["BAMLH0A0HYM2", "UNRATE", "T10Y2Y"])
title observation_start observation_end frequency frequency_short units units_short seasonal_adjustment seasonal_adjustment_short last_updated popularity group_popularity notes
FRED:BAMLH0A0HYM2 ICE BofA US High Yiel... 1996-12-31 2020-09-02 Daily, Close D Percent % Not Seasonally Adjusted NSA 2020-09-03 08:17:06 100 99 The ICE BofA Option-A...
FRED:T10Y2Y 10-Year Treasury Cons... 1976-06-01 2020-09-03 Daily D Percent % Not Seasonally Adjusted NSA 2020-09-03 16:01:12 99 99 Starting with the upd...
FRED:UNRATE Unemployment Rate 1948-01-01 2020-07-01 Monthly M Percent % Seasonally Adjusted SA 2020-08-07 07:47:02 99 100 The unemployment rate...